Did you know that Argentina has its own Roswell? Yep, that's right, according to some, UFOs and aliens are alive and kicking in Cordoba, Argentina. Never mind nature, it's the supernatural that holds that biggest magnetic draw to the Sierras Chicas. [caption id="attachment_6619" align="aligncenter" width="640"]Many people claim to have seen UFOs in Cordoba... Many people claim to have seen UFOs in Cordoba... / source[/caption]

Space Creatures in Capilla del Monte

The so-called spiritual capital of Argentina is Capilla del Monte, in Cordoba Province, close to the capital. Mount Uritorco, specifically, is the site of all the trouble. The mountain is said to have a mystical energy, and there have been hundreds of reported sightings of strange lights and UFOs hovering in the area. It's not just recent though. Historical records reveal UFO sightings going back hundreds of years. The sceptical attribute this UFO-littered history to the region's rich mineral resources. You can find various gems along the banks of the Calabalumba River, and the region has an abundance of quartz. The rational explanation is that certain conditions can cause the mineral-rich rocks to send off sparks, accounting for the flickering lights that people are prone to report. It's not just tales of lights and flying saucers though. There have also been cases of scorched earth, with one such incident giving way to a burn area of 42 metres in diameter, and supposedly 300 people said to have seen a UFO at the time. And let's not forget the theory that some kind of extraterrestrials called Erks have built a city under Mount Uritorco, which is their base for their earthly operations. The area is also connected with another weird story. Amidst the panic caused by the Mayan doomsday predictions for 21 December 2012, there was a Facebook appeal for people to climb Mount Uritorco and commit mass suicide. Luckily, the authorities quickly stepped in and cut off access to the mountain on this date to prevent such an incident. [caption id="attachment_6620" align="aligncenter" width="640"]The mysitcal Mount Uritorco, home to Erks and UFOs. The mysitcal Mount Uritorco, home to Erks and UFOs. / source[/caption]

The Alien Festival

With all this other-wordly buzz, Capillo del Monte has become a tourism hub for alien hunters, New Agers, and the supernaturally curious. This tourism boom can be seen in the number of alien-themed trinkets you can buy in the town, or while hiking up the famed mountain. The town even hosted the 17th annual Ufology Congress in 2014. But the biggest event on the calendar is the Festival Alienígena (Alien Festival). This year the Alien Festival takes place from 3-8 February. The town draws on all its extra-terrestrial experiences to decorate the shops and to dress up. Besides big prizes for the best-dressed aliens, and most eery storefronts, there are plenty of alien-themed arts and crafts on sale, parties and some other worldly dancing. It's a bit weird, and very wonderful, and definitely a unique experience.

Aliens in Argentina

While Cordoba seems to be the hub of alien activity, the rest of the country is not immune to sightings. A quick google search of UFOs in Argentina will bring up plenty of results. In fact, in 2011, Argentina's Air Force created a special commission named the Comisión de Estudio Fenómenos Aeroespeciales (Investigation of Aerospace Phenomenon), otherwise known as the UFO Commission. They certainly have their hands full with recent claims of sightings in Gualeguaychú and at a football match... [caption id="attachment_6621" align="aligncenter" width="640"]Argentina seems to be alien friendly! Argentina seems to be alien friendly! / source[/caption] A trip out to the mountains of Cordoba is well worth it, whether you want to go UFO hunting or not. The supernatural energy of the area may be debatable, but a walk in the mountains, and time spent next to the quiet rivers and lakes surrounding Cordoba city will certainly give you a renewed sense of energy! Don't miss out on Cordoba's supernatural beauty (and beings)! There are plenty of great activities in Cordoba for a relaxing getaway.