Puerto Madryn has in recent years become one of Argentina’s most popular tourist destinations. Thousands of foreigners a year travel to the city of Puerto Madryn to visit its stunning beaches and breathtaking coastal landscapes, but above all, to witness the most spectacular wildlife in Patagonia. Since the diverse marine wildlife along this coast have their own migration patterns, it is necessary to plan your trip according to the marine wildlife calendar. The best season to see penguins and whales in Puerto Madryn is spring. The start of spring in the Southern Hemisphere marks the time when the coast of Argentina comes alive with whales, penguins and other fascinating animals migrating back onto the mainland in time for the longer and warmer summer days.

Peak penguin season

[caption id="attachment_13468" align="aligncenter" width="675"]The Best Season to See Penguins and Whales in Puerto Madryn See the magnificent Magellanic Penguin up close at Punta Tombo / Source[/caption]   About an hour’s drive from Puerto Madryn will take you to the Peninsula of Punta Tombo, which in the first days of spring becomes home to the most important Magellanic Penguin colony along the coasts of Patagonia. Almost a million penguins arrive to this very spot every year to breed and incubate their eggs. The first penguins arrive in late September, migrating from Southern Brazil to this particular estuary in the Argentine Patagonia and stay here up to mid-March, but the best time to see the penguins is usually after November, once their babies are born and in the months leading up to March as they prepare their offspring for migration. A visit to the reserve in Punta Tombo truly is a unique experience as it is one of the only places in the world where you can see these incredible black and white creatures up close. Seeing them all huddled together along the shores of the Punta Tombo peninsula is definitely an incredible spectacle of nature and for many, a once-in-a-lifetime experience!

Whale watching off Peninsula Valdes

[caption id="attachment_13469" align="aligncenter" width="675"]The Best Season to See Penguins and Whales in Puerto Madryn Peninsula Valdes is one of the best places in the world for whale watching / Source[/caption]   Whale season along Puerto Madryn's coast runs from May until December. While winter is the best time to see them in Puerto Madryn itself, the spring months of September and October are considered the best for whale watching off Peninsula Valdes. Here you can enjoy some of the best whale watching in the world, either by taking a boat cruise, or simply watching from the coastline. Spring is also a good time to see sea lions and elephant seals on this coast. This festival of wildlife makes spring Puerto Madryn's busiest season, and the perfect destination for wildlife lovers. This time of the year is also exciting for locals, with the arrival of the penguins getting its own 72 hour live feed on national television.  

Daytours4u offers a complete catalogue of activities in Puerto Madryn. Have a look at our activities to make sure you don’t miss out on any highlights on your travels through Argentina.